In the Run box, type the following and press Enter to open the Local Users and Groups tool: Press Win + R shortcut keys together on the keyboard to open the Run dialog.If you need to change it, follow these simple instructions. Depending on the devices you have and your home network setup, the logon name may be required to access various network shares or administrative resources on another PC. For example, in an enterprise network, you need to know it to sign in to Active Directory. But there are several cases where you might need to view or change your logon name. The display name can be changed from User Accounts Control Panel for local accounts. The logon name can't include these special characters. It supports special characters like " / \ : | =, + * ?. It shows the user's display name, which is different from the logon name. The Welcome screen still exists in Windows 10. It was a more friendly user interface compared to the classic logon dialog, which did not allow you sign in by clicking on your name or picture. In Windows XP, the Welcome screen was introduced for the first time with display pictures and a display name.